

I love to under­stand human behavior and the different char­ac­ters in order to find a way to better deal with myself and my envi­ron­ment. First of all, it is about under­standing and then using this under­standing in ANY KIND OF language to go into commu­ni­ca­tion. With music as the chosen language, you kill two birds with one stone.


The trick is that the only socially recog­nized form of being able to „speak“ publicly about one’s true feel­ings are the arts and for me it is music. So if I can bring more music into the world it means that more people have the chance to find a voice and are able to stand up for what they have to say.

So I made my assign­ment a two-pronged thing:

On the one hand, I want to be a voice for others through my music. On the other hand, I want to enable people to find their own voice in music. And with that I SING YOUR STORY was born.


Song­writing and jour­naling goes hand in hand for me and for sure make use of each other. Both help to sort myself, to reflect and to become clear about what’s on my mind at the moment and what is impor­tant to me. When I then put that into music, it gets the appre­ci­a­tion it deserves in my eyes.

Your Orig­inal Song

You need a present fora special person or you have an event coming up like a wedding, anniver­sary or birthday?

I got you. I write you the perfect unique song. Just hit me a message if you are inter­ested.

You need a Singer?

You have a wedding coming up and want live music for your cere­mony?

I’d love to make your special day even more special with singing the songs that mean the most to you and your parnter. Feel free to contact me anytime.
